If you’re a shoe fan the idea of being barefoot probably isn’t something you think much about unless you’re on a beach somewhere. Even indoors the majority of us seem to don some kind of covering on our feet which brings us to the question of Earthing and our wellbeing.
The Scientific approach…
The earth holds a huge reservoir of negatively charged free electrons. In the world we now inhabit, our environment is host to a broad spectrum of electromagnetic radiation from things like computers and mobile phones, domestic wiring, electrical appliances and many other sources. We humans are electrical beings, therefore this type of environment can affect both our ability to deal with electromagnetic radiation and the positive charges which results from things like electron-deficient free radicals, which apparently can unbalance our bodies. Still with us?
Our ancestors went barefoot and slept on the ground. In other words, they were always connected to the Earth’s energy. Culturally, a connection with the earth was previously regarded as very important and remains so with some indigenous people even today. By comparison, our modern living disconnects us from the ground and the earth’s energy, through modes of transport, the way we live off the ground and the use of rubber or plastic soles on our shoes.
There’s not a massive amount of scientific research but since the 1990s reports indicate that there is a possible connection to chronic pain, poor sleep and fatigue which for some, is much a part of day to day modern life.
The chance to try it is free, accessible and relatively easily available with reports suggesting that regular contact with the earth through sitting, standing or walking on grass, sand, soil, even concrete all of which are conductive, can improve sleep, increase energy and reduce stress. There are products to be bought for those of us less willing or able to trot round without shoes or sleep in the woods, in the form of mats, sheets and pillow cases or patches and wrist bands, even footwear with grounding plugs. We haven’t tried it yet but we’re prepared to give it a go.
So the next time you get the option to kick off your shoes, do it… you might be surprised.